Saturday, September 17, 2005

Zoloft works

Cats in New York and California and places like that often refer to the middle of this country as “the fly-over states” or a “red state hell-hole” and whatnot. Sure, the cell phones don’t work and it’s next to impossible to get decent sushi or a vegetarian meal. And yeah, we’ve all been making jokes about gun-toting yokels blowing us away a la Easy Rider or inbreds wearing masks made of human flesh hacking us to bits with machetes. But the more I travel around this nation, the more pleasantly surprised I am by the individuals I meet. Of course we’ll encounter plenty of frightenly ignorant reactionaries, defacto segregation, suburban sprawl, scary religious iconography and obese “ugly American” stereotypes, but not many more than we do in our sophisticated “progressive havens” on the coasts. The best part of the Photocar project is being able to meet up and engage with “ordinary” people from so many different places; Desert homesteaders, truck drivers, factory workers, students, forgotten people with their own unique story to tell. If nothing else, the Photocar is a traveling exhibition that comes to places where folks don’t often get out to see “fine art.” It’s pretty pretentious, but for the most part people’ve been appreciating what we’re doing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey darling sibling of mine-
having any fun yet?

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erin again. I am really curious how this whole blogging thing is working. Not that I use the word "blog". Does there just happen to be wireless internet everywhere you go? I know this is America, but I didn't know we were that 21st century yet.

Did you guys get to hang out with Pablo in Utah?

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Melina is the voodoo priestess?


10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The chick in the last picture should change her name to 'fingercuffs'.

Hell, Erin. I've just surprised you've even got this far, since you're obviously as clueless as fuck. BTW, you realise that the internet is worldside don't you ? I mean, it isn't just America with the net, while the rest of the world uses candles and smokesignals. Don't bother calling Mensa honey.

7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"is being able to meet up and engage with “ordinary” people from so many different places; Desert homesteaders, truck drivers, factory workers, students, forgotten people with their own unique story to tell."

Yeah, keep hearing this BS being used in this blog, but all I keep seeing are tit and ass shots of group members sitting on toilets or wicker chairs. Or the male members done up in makeup looking ready to make some new backdoor buddies in San Fran.

I don't think you lot could humble yourselves long enough to ever get to the ordinary stories around the place. But hey, keep going, I'm looking forward to the chick that was sitting on the toilet getting her tits out in front of a Walmart and being told how you are connecting with working class America.

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are all having a great adventure so far. I can't wait to see all the pictures :)

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are only going away for a month ? Laughable. Like you can get under the skin and find the people in a month.

Lets see. A week to pack, a week to unpack, most nights spent getting sloshed. That leaves about 3 days actual touring. Hell, I thought you were gone for a year or something, this is a pathetic token effort at best.

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are self absorbed wankers of the highest order. How decent of you to bring your "fine art" to ordinary folk. See the fact that you put the word ordinary in quotes shows that drinking latte at the local fag and poetry club has turned you into pompous assclowns. It's the same way I used quotes for 'fine art', because to everyone but yourselves they are uninteresting pictures. Going around looking for attention, and disrespecting everyone who won't suck your cock, smoke a bong and pour adulation on you for your photography is no voyage of discovery, just a narcissistic waste of time. Grow up and stop being condescending assholes.

5:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Steven Martin and i would like to show you my personal experience with Zoloft.

I am 35 years old. Have been on Zoloft for 7 months now. This med did clear up the PPD, but weaning off of it has been absolute HELL. I got/am still getting the "zaps" that so many others talk about. Had I known it would be like this, I would have requested a different med. I will NEVER take this med again under any circumstances!

I have experienced some of these side effects -
Weight loss, upset stomach

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Steven Martin

11:38 PM  

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